Selasa, 24 April 2012


Submitted to the English Education Department of
Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
 In Partial to Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Graduate Degree in
 English Education (S.Pd)

Arranged By:
Reg Number: 50540266


Drajat Nugroho: The correlation between the students’ interest in learning English byexperiential learning model and the lack of students' ability in mastering English vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMPN Satu atap 1 Gabuswetan Kab. Indramayu.

The students’ interest is one of aspect which needs attention in teaching learning process especially in learning English. The existence of students’ interest will help not only for teacher but also for students to get successful in learning English. Moreover English as foreign language which sometimes the students are lazy and don’t have interest to learn it.
Experiential learning model is the learning model which based on the students’ experience. In this model, the students are invited to get new experience as long as teaching learning process. So they are expected to be active in exploring knowledge. In English teaching learning, the experiential learning model can apply in mastering English vocabulary. In application, the model can be used as the way to master vocabulary based on the material and it is suitable to help teacher to teach some material based on curriculum.
The aim of this research are to find out the data about the students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning model and the correlation between the students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary at the eight grade of SMPN Satu atap 1 Gabuswetan  Kab. Indramayu.
In this thesis the researcher uses the product moment. To find out the data, the researcher uses several techniques namely library research concerned with theories in relating this thesis and field research concerned with the real conditions in the field. The total students’ number of the eight grade of SMPN Satu atap 1 Gabuswetan is 40 students. Because the students are less 100 as the population so the researcher took all of the students at eight grades as sample. The techniques of collecting data are: observation, interview, questionnaires and test.
The result of this research about the correlation between the students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary is 1555, the mean result of the students’ skill of the students’ interest is 38.8 and it is good category and the lack students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary is 278, the mean of vocabulary test is 6.95 and it is good category.


The writer was born on November 29th, 1985 in Karanganyar Kec. Kandanghaur Kab. Indramayu. He is the last child from 1 older sister and 1 older brother. His father is Paimo and his mother is Sumiyati Kulsum. He has ever studied in:
1.      Kindergarten of Kemala Bhayangkari
2.      Elementary School of SDN Karanganyar 1
3.      Junior High School of SMPN I Kandanghaur
4.      Vocational High School of SMKN I Losarang Indramayu
5.      IAIN  Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
He has ever studied in Islamic boarding house of Darul Hikmah Mahwil Qulub Losarang Indramayu and Ulumuddin Islamic boarding house Karya Mulya Kota Cirebon too. As long as study in IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, he joined and actived in some organizations, like:
1.      The English Program Students Association (EPSA) IAIN  Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
2.      The Scouting Movement of PRAMUKA IAIN  Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
3.      The Martial Art of Merpati Putih IAIN  Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
4.      The Indonesian Islamic Students Movement of PMII Cab.Cirebon



Approved by

First Supervisor                                               Second Supervisor

Dr. Hj. Huriyah Saleh, M.PdSumadi, SS. M.Hum
NIP. 19610112 198903 2005 NIP. 19701005 200003 1022


The thesis which is entitled in “The correlation between the students’ interestin learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabularyat the eighth grade of SMPN Satu atap 1 Gabuswetan Kab. Indramayu” Writen by Drajat Nugroho, register’s number 50540266, has examined on April 24th 2010 it has been recognized as one of requirements for the degree of scholar education of Tarbiyah faculty, English Education Department, The State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

                                                                                                Cirebon, April 24th, 2010
                   The Chairman                                                 The Secretary
            Concurrently Members                                   Concurrently Members

DR. H. Abdullah Latief, M.Pd                                Drs. Aris, M.Pd
19591208 198203 1 002                                             19601019 198511 1 001

Examiner I                                                                  Examiner II

Dr. Ilman Nafi’a, M.Ag                                            Dr. H. Ahmad Asmuni, MA
19721220 199803 1 004                                             19581109 198603 1 006


Chairman of Tarbiyah Departement
of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
In Cirebon
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After guiding, analyzing, briefing and correcting the writing Drajat Nugroho’ thesis, register’s number 50540266 entitled in:  “The correlation between the students’ interestin learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabularyat theeighth grade of SMPN Satu atap 1Gabuswetan  Kab. Indramayu.” we have the opinion that her thesis can be presented to the Tarbiyah Department of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Cirebon, February 2010

First Supervisor                                               Second Supervisor

Dr. Hj. Huriyah Saleh, M.PdSumadi, SS. M.Hum
              NIP. 19610112 198903 2005                         NIP. 19701005 200003 1022          

                                         LETTER OF AUTHENTICITY


I herewith acknowledge that this thesis entitled “The Correlation BetweenThe Students’ Interest in Learning English by Experiential Learning And The lack of students’ Ability In Mastering English Vocabulary at The Eight Grade of SMPN SatuAtap 1Gabuswetan Kab. Indramayu, is really my own writing some quotations from some resource books and dictionaries by using the acceptable scientific method of writing.
Honestly speaking, I have written this letter of authenticity according to the truth. I am sincerely responsible for any risk that will happen in the future if it is proven to offend the ethic of scientific writing.
                                                                                    Cirebon, February  2010
                                                                                    The writer



In the name Allah SWT, the most powerful and most merciful which All praises and thanks be given to Him. The primary invocation and safety always be given to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and his followers up to the end of the world.
So many people have participated, helped, and advised in arranging this thesis which entitled “The Correlation between the students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary at eight grade of SMPN Satu Atap I Gabuswetan Kab. Indramayu”, so in this opportunity the writer would like to express her sincerity and profound thankfulness to:
1.      Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Matsna HS, MA. Rector of the state Institute for Islamic Studies of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon.
2.      Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Latief, M. Pd, Chairman of Tarbiyah Department.
3.      Dr. Hj. Huriyah Saleh, M.Pd, Chairwomen of English Study Program and the first supervisor.
4.      Sumadi, SS. M.Hum, The second supervisor
5.      Lili Suryana, S.Pd, Headmaster of SMPN Satu Atap I Gabuswetan Kab. Indramayu.
6.      Sopidi, S.Ag, S.S, MA, the Supervisor of Pramuka IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon.
7.      My teachers and lecturers who always discus and share about everything.
8.      My parents, my older sister and brother who always support to get my successful.
9.      My friends whoever and wherever you are.
The writer realizes that the thesis is still far from being perfect and there are many mistakes either in the arrangement or in the content. Therefore, the writer would welcome the comment and suggestions from the reader.
Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will be some valuables to the readers especially for the writer himself and for the English Department of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon as a reference in general.

                                                                           Cirebon, February  2010

                                                                                       The Writer


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………….
A.    The Background of The Problem………………………………
B.     The Identification of The Problem………………………………
C.    The Limitation of The Problem………………………………….
D.    The Questions of The research………………………………
E.     The Aim of The Research…………………………………..
F.     The Use of The Research…………………………………..
                                                 I.      Description of the students’ interest in Learning English ……
A.    The definitions of students’ interest in learning……………….
B.     The Steps to raise the students’ interest in learning…………….
                                              II.      Description of experiential learning model……………………
A.    The Concept of experiential learning………………………..
B.     The Procedure of Experiential Learning……………………
C.     The Experiential Learning and the other learning model……
                                           III.      Description of Vocabulary……………………………………..
A.    The Definition of Vocabulary……………………………….
B.     The Kinds of Vocabulary……………………………………
C.     The Ways of the teaching vocabulary…………………………
D.    The Frame of thinking………………………………………….
E.     The Hypothesis of research……………………………………

1.      The Objective of Research……………………………………….
2.      Variable of research……………………………………………..
3.      The Place and time of the research…………………………
4.      The Method of the research………………………………..
5.      The Determination of Data………………………………..
6.      Population and sample……………………………………..
7.      The technique of collecting data……………………………..
8.      The Technique of analytical data…………………………..
A.    The Objective of the research of SMPN Satu Atap I Gabuswetan Kab.Indramayu……………………………………..
1.      The Profile of SMPN Satu Atap I Gabuswetan…………………
2.      The English material of eight grade of SMPN Satu Atap I Gabuswetan………………………………………………….
3.      The Characteristic of English lesson in junior high school….
B.     The research finding the correlation between the students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary at eight grade of SMPN Satu Atap I Gabuswetan Kab. Indramayu……………..
1.      The students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary…………………………………………………..
2.      The students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary……….
3.      The correlation between the students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary………………………………..
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION…………………………………………………….


A.    The Background of the Problem
In education, interest is very important. Learning with interest is better than without any interest. Interest occurs when students are interested in something as it is compatible with their needs or because they feel that what they learn is important for them. The student will learn English more serious if they are interested. In contrary, if they are not interested, they will get difficulty in learning language, especially in learning foreign language.
Naturally, Language is one of aspect, which cannot separate from human being’s life. The existence of language for human being can help them to interact, work, discuss, and share each other. In other word, language is the important thing for human being since they have been created in the world. Because when they begin to life together of course, they need language as the tool of communication.
Because language is the important thing, many questions show up as long as the language exists. Like how the language spread or how to teach language. Beside that, language is the result of civilization that has to be taught and learned. Harrof (1995: 92) argued that language has been called “the storehouse of culture.” It is the primary means of capturing; communicating, discussing, and changing shared understanding and passing them along to new generations (and new citizens). It means that civilization cannot develop without language.
M.Ngalim Purwanto (1990: 49) explains “Dengan bahasa manusia dapat memberi nama kepada segala sesuatu baik yang kelihatan maupun yang tidak kelihatan. semua benda, nama sifat, pekerjaan dan hal lain yang abstrak, diberinama”. By language, human being can name for anything both real and abstract things. All of things, name of character, activity and abstract things are named.
From the statement above, explains that the function of language for human being is to name anything in their life. It means that anything which have seen, felt and done can be saved and will be processed in their thinking. Because we use language not only when we are with other people but also when we are alone. Much of what we call “thinking” is actually a conversation with ourselves. (Gelles J. Richard and Levine : 1995 : 92 )
Naturally, Humans being has natural skill to use language. A. Chaedar al wasilah (1993:6) argued ”Bukti kemampuan pembawaan untuk berbahasa ialah kenyataan bahwa setiap bayi yang dilahirkan hidup pasti menangis. Tangisan pertama ini adalah bentuk paling sederhana, tangisan ini, dimanapun bayi dilahirkan secarakualitas sama” The proof that the natural skill to use language is the fact that every baby who was born and life will cry. The first crying is the simple way. Whenever baby was born, the quality of crying is same. It means that every baby has the same basic sounds, which will be ready to be developed on mastering many languages. In other word, human beings are able to master more than one language.
The statement above explains that every people in the world can master more than one language. The languages will develop if they use or practice in their life. In reality, a Javanesse can master Sundanesse language and he is able to communicate by English too.
Many languages develop in part of world. Almost every country has a national language to help them in communicating in their country. Even in a country, have hundred native languages. Because of that in a country, choose a language to be a national language that is used by citizenship in that country.
In international world, there are some international languages, such as English and Arabic language. In globalization era, mastering of international language is needed. In this case, English as international language have to master by everyone not only in international relationship but also in academic. In Indonesia, English is taught from elementary school until university. Therefore, the government and teacher try to get successful in English teaching learning.
However, in reality the efforts do not run maximally. Many students are not interested in learning English. Therefore, they are lazy to learn English. Actually many facilities or media is provided to help in learning English. Such as cassette, VCD, DVD, picture etc.
The case is influenced by the creativity of teacher. A teacher should be able to make English fun easy to be understood. The model, which is applied, is one of the key of success. The choosing of appropriate model should raise the students’ interest. Beside that, teachers have to give opportunity for their student to construct their experience in learning.
In a proverb say “Experience is the best teacher.” According to H. C. Witheringto and W. H. Burton in Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain (2002:70) states “The process of learning is doing, reacting, undergoing, and experiencing. The student through his own activity achieves all the products of learning”. Because of them, it needs a model in teaching-learning process to grow the students’ interest. One of way is creating a teaching-learning process that is from student’s experience oriented.
Students in reality will be interested if they invite to discuss or communicate their experience. For example in learning biology, the student will be interested to discuss the material that have ever been seen and found by student in their life.
Writer would like to test the correlation between the students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary. In other words; writer tries to describe the data about the students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary. That is why, writer choose the little of research as following: “The Correlation between the Students’ interest in Learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary at eight grade of SMPN Satu atap 1 Gabuswetan Kab. Indramayu.

B.     The Identification of the Problem
In this research, the researcher identifies the problem based on research which is done before. The pre-research has purposes to know the problem which happened in a school. So based on the pre-research the researcher identifies as follows:
1.      The students have not interest enough in learning English as foreign language. In fact, the interest is one of important factor in teaching learning process.
2.      Some the models or methods of teaching learning English are not suitable based on the students’ condition both their experience and environment.
3.      The teacher has not realized that there is correlation between the students’ interest in learning and the lack of students’ ability in mastering the material yet. So the teaching learning does not run maximally.

C.    The limitation of the problem
The researcher limits the problem based on the reality which was found. The researcher limits the problem just in students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning model which may has correlation with the students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary in junior high school. Because the students of junior high school sometimes do not have interest in learning English vocabulary. They think that English is not easy to be mastered because sometimes learning English is not based on their experience and real life.

D.    The Questions of the research
In this research, there are questions of the research which can be identified by researcher. The questions of the research are as follows:
1.      How is the students’ interest in learning English by Experiential learning model?
2.      How is the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary?
3.      Is there any positive and significant correlation between the students’ interest in Learning English by Experiential learning and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary?

E.     The Aims of the research
To know the aims of the research, the researcher identifies the aims of research that are obtained here are as follows:
  1. To find out the data about the students’ interest in learning English by Experiential learning model.
  2. To find out the data about the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary.
  3. To find out the data about the correlation between the students’ interest in learning English by Experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary.

F.     The Use of the research
In a research, of course it must have the use of the research, because the result of the research can use for other people. In this opportunity the research can be used to:
  1. Raise the students’ interest in Learning English.
  2. Improve the students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary by experiential learning model.
  3. Help the teacher’s creativity in teaching English by experiential learning model.

G.    The Frame of thinking
The creativity in teaching learning is very expected for a teacher. A teacher should be able grow the students’ interest in learning. The thing is one of important factor in success or fails the teaching learning process especially in learning foreign language. The students’ interest will influence the students’ ability to understand the material. It needs the ability of teacher in arranging the strategy in teaching learning process. Sobry Sutikno (2008:77) states “Guru bertanggung jawab melaksanakan sistem pembelajaran agar berhasil dengan baik. keberhasilan ini bergantung agar berhasil dengan baik. keberhasilan ini bergantung pada upaya guru membangkitkanmotivasi belajar siswanya.” Teacher has responsibility to apply the teaching learning system successfully. The successful is depended on the effort of teacher to grow the student’s motivation.
Interest has correlation with motivation. According to George J. Mouly (1960:276) states that interest are closely related to habit motives in that they are acquired as a result of satisfying experiences in a given activity and, once established, tend to perpetuate them as long as they are effective from the standpoint of the person’s goal and purposes.
Experiential learning is one of model that can be used the students to raise the students’ interest in learning. In this method, the students will be invited to explore their experience, which occurred in their environment. Experiential learning is from experiential theory. Psychologically, the theory is from humanism theory. In this theory, there are four stage learning cycle.
1.      Concrete Experience
2.      Reflective observation
3.      Abstract Conceptualization
4.      Active experimentation
Experiential learning requires no teacher and relates solely to the meaning making process of the individual’s direct experience. However, though the gaining of knowledge is an inherent process that occurs naturally, for a genuine learning experience to occur, there must exist certain elements.
In learning English, like learning language commonly, the mastery of vocabulary is the basic requirement to support in learning language. In other words, if people want to mastery English so they have to master vocabulary. Because of that, students in elementary school begin to introduce the English vocabulary to provide the lack of students’ ability in learning English.
Much definition of vocabulary, which explained by the linguist, Kernerman (1993:678) argued “Vocabulary is a list of words in alphabetical order with meanings.” From the definitions, actually the core of vocabulary is word. Beside that, there are two the types of vocabulary. Most of words have a variety of restriction on their use and at the same time have certain special uses that represent survivals from an earlier period in the history of the language. Beside that, each vocabulary has form, and a distribution, each vocabulary is either a content word or a function word.There is term in English vocabulary, which is part of speech. They are noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection.


A.    The Description of  Students’ Interest in Learning
For students of junior high school in Indonesia, English is not something new in their school. The government has tried to apply English as the subject in junior high school until university some years ago. The obligation caused the government thinks that learning English in early age is important to introduce for children.
Learning English is not like learning commonly. Because English is foreign language that need special method and factors to supports the learning process. In learning English, the first step to support the learning process is raising the students’ interest in learning. Hilgrad in Slameto (2003:57) states “Interest is persisting tendency to pay attention to and enjoy some activity or content.”
In Oxford learner’s pocket dictionary (1995:221) defines “Interest is desire to learn or know about something or somebody”. It means that the students will have desire to learn or know about something if they invite to do something interest. On the other word, the students who have interest in learning will pay attention, enjoy and have desire to learn. In contrary, if the students don’t have interest, they will not pay attention and their attitude and activities will not support the learning process.
Basically Interest has correlation with motivation. Interest can be defined as a condition which occurred if someone fells desire or see the situation or condition that connected with needs itself. So someone will be interested if he finds something that supports his need. In educational psychology explains that motivation is important thing. However motivation is depended on experience and interest. For example, an English teacher who invited by his friend to follow the chemistry lecture, of course he will not interest and ever he will not get useful experience.(Sadirman 1986:76)
Interest are closely related to habit motives in that they are acquired as result of satisfying experiences in a given activity and, once established, tend to perpetuate them as long as they are effective from the standpoint of the person’s goals and purposes. In the education world, the fact that school must relate school experiences to the motives and purposes of the child does not mean that it must orient those experiences toward his present interests and let him choose his curriculum, for instance.
For teacher, they must remember that satisfaction is a necessity in the development of interest. Many a child has failed to develop an interest in reading because of failure to master the techniques of reading (perhaps because of excessive difficulty) or to get satisfaction out of reading. In mastering vocabulary is not different in reading so it needs a technique to help child to master vocabulary. (George J. Mouly 1960:277)
According to Djalali (2008: 121) explains that interest is feeling to like or interest to something or activity, without forcing. Basically interest is receiving in something which has correlation between the internal and external stimulus. So if the stimulus has strong correlation so the interest will strong too. Beside that interest has correlation with the activity to face someone, things, and experience which is supported by the activity itself. On the other word, interest can be reflected by the statement which point that the students are more like to something than other, and can manifest by the participation in an activity or interest is feeling to know, study, admire something beside interest is part of affection aspect.

B.     The Steps to raise the students’ interest in learning
In the explanation before, the writer has explained about the correlation between the students’ motivation and interest. Teaching learning process will be successful if the students have interest. To raise the students’ interest, there are strategies which can apply in the classroom, such as:
1.      Raise the students’ thinking that the thing is needed to be studied.
2.      Explore or connect the past experience as a learning media.
3.      Give opportunity for students to get good outcomes.
4.      Use the various method or strategy of learning.
(Sardiman 1996:94)
Raise the students’ thinking to realize that the things is needed can grow the students’ interest in learning. The students who feel that the thing is needed, they will try to know or understand it. Automatically the students will be interested in learning. Beside that, their experience influences their interest in learning. For example, a teacher who ask their student about their experience when they went to the zoo, they will enthusiast to tell their experience. So a teacher can use the experience as learning media.
The using of various method or strategy which applies in the classroom can raise the students’ interest. Because it can make the student will be not bored in learning. Beside that, the student should give opportunity to get good score. The student who has never got good score, he will frustrate to study.

A.    The Concept of Experiential Learning
There aretwo principles of learning process on educational psychology. The first, it focused on the function of educational in improving skills and knowledge of students. The second, it is more focus on outcome of affective aspect that is how learns to learn and improving of creativity of students. The principles are the inspiration of experiential learning, which is constructed by David Kolb.
Experiential learning is from humanism theory. The theory explains that learning process have to begin and will go back to students themselves. According to Slavin in Baharudin and esa Nur Wahyuni (2008:142)
Salah satu ide yang penting dalam pendidikan humanistik adalah siswa harus mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengarahkan sendiri pelakunya dalam belajar (self regulated learning), apa yang akan dipelajari dan sampai tingkatan mana, kapan, dan bagaimana mereka akan belajar.
One of the important idea in educational humanistic is the students have to have ability to manage their attitude in learning (self-regulation learning), what they will be learned and in what grade, when and how they will learn.

Based on the statement above, the main idea is how the student to control and raise interest in learning not just as the passive receiver in learning process. In the other word, the humanism theory explains about the learning idea in ideal model.
The humanism theory explains that students are the active participant in arranging of transactional strategy of their environment. Beside that, the theory explains that learning is not only to develop the quality of cognitive, but also a process that is occurred in the students. It of course involves all of aspect. The aspects are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. On the other hand, the humanism theory emphasizes the significance of emotion, communication, and skill of students. Therefore, the outcome of learning is not only on cognitive aspect, but also on how the students are responsible, care about their environment and have the emotional maturity. (Baharudin and Esa Nur Wahyuni: 2008: 142)
The other principles in educational humanism are that learning has to teach students how to learn and realize the function of the learning for themselves. In teaching learning process, every teacher of course expect their students to develop the positive attitude in learning and can use many source of information. However, the humanist teacher will think to the aim and design of learning that give opportunity to students. Because the theory of educational humanism argues that learning process is not only as the media of transforming of knowledge but also is the part of developing of human values.
Basically the model of experiential learning is from experiential theory. In this model, experience is as the central of learning process. This theory defines learning as a process where knowledge is created from the transformation of experience. On the other word knowledge is the result of unification between understanding and transforming of experience.
Experiential learning can defines as an action to get something based on experience to improve the effectively of learning. The method of experiential learning is a method that apply active learning where students explore their experience whether before or after experience in learning. So they can get the knowledge from their experience itself. According to Piaget in Anita E.Woolfolk, Philip H.Winne and Nancy E. Perry (2004: 38) explain that:
Knowledge is not a copy of reality to know an object, to know an event, is not simply to look at it and make a mental copy or image of it. To know an object is to act on it. To know is to modify, to transform the object and to understand the process of this transformation, and consequently to understand the way the object is constructed.

A student who has experience in his life before can express his experience and try to reflect on learning process, especially in their school. Because the function of school is to broaden student’s range of experience, introduce new possibilities, systematize the process of learning, help developed thinking, skills and, ultimately, empower students to take responsibility for their own learning. The strategies, the students have developed to make sense of their world, to talk about their experiences and to wonder about what is new or imaginary continue to be effective. (K.Orr Janet 1999: 3)
Beside that learning should has series of learning experience to get maximal outcomes. William Burton in Oemar Hamalik (2004:28) States “A good learning situation consist of a rich and varied series of learning experiences unified around a vigorous purpose and carried on in interaction with a rich, varied and provocative environment”
The aim of the model of experiential learning is to influence students by:
  1. Changing the students of cognitive structure
  2. Changing the students’ attitude
  3. Increasing the students’ skills.
The elements have correlation and influence each other because if one of the elements is avoided so the other element will not effective. Experiential learning emphasizes on the strong desire from the students themselves to get successful in learning. The motivation is based on the aim to reach and chose the method of teaching.
According to Wilma H. Miller (2000:179) explains about experience as the media to master vocabulary. He explains about direct experience.  Direct experiences are probably the single best way of developing the meaning vocabulary and conceptual knowledge of young students or children in the home and in any school setting. When using direct experiences of any kind for vocabulary and concept building teachers should be certain to attempt to build vocabulary and concepts prior to the experience, during the experience, and after the experience.
However, not all experiences for students can be direct experiences. Some must be second- hand or vicarious experiences. Although such experiences are not really a substitute for direct experiences for vocabulary and concept building, they often are more practical than are direct experience.
There are a myriad of second- hand experiences which can be used for vocabulary and concept development, including using the world wide web, watching a videotape, watching films, looking at slides, using interactive computer software, using other computer software, watching scientific experiments or demonstrations, examining models and realia, looking at pictures, looking at dioramas, listening to cassette recordings, and listening to CDs.
B.     The Procedure of Experiential Learning Model
Experiential learning model can be highly effective educational method. It engages the learner at a more personal level by addressing the needs and wants of the individual. Experiential learning requires qualities such as self-initiative and self-evaluation. for experiential learning to be truly effective, it should employ the whole learning wheel, from goal setting, to experimenting and observing, to reviewing, and finally action planning. This complete process allows one to learn new skills, new attitudes or even entirely new ways of thinking. According to David Kolb, an American educational theorist, knowledge is continuously gained through both personal and environmental experiences. He states that in order to genuine knowledge from an experience, certain abilities are required:
1.      The learner must be willing to be actively involved in the experience
2.      The learner must be able to reflect on the experience.
3.      The learner must be possess and use analytical skills to conceptualize the experience
4.      The learner must possess decision-making and problem solving skills in order to use the new ideas gained from the experience.
Here are brief descriptions of the four Kolb learning styles:
·         Diverging (feeling and watching-CE/RO) – The students are able to look at things from different perspectives. They are sensitive. They prefer to watch rather than do, tending to gather information and use imagination to solve problems. They are best at view concrete situations several different viewpoints. Kolb called this style ‘Diverging’ because the students perform better in situations that require ideas-generation, for example, brainstorming. The students with a diverging learning style have broad cultural interest and like to gather information. They are interested in people, tend to be imaginative and emotional, and tend to be strong in the arts. The students with the Diverging style prefer to work in groups, to listen with an open mind and to receive personal feedback.
·         Assimilating (watching and thinking – AC/RO) – The assimilating learning preference is for a concise, logical approach. Ideas and concepts are more important than people. These students require good clear explanation rather than practical opportunity. They excel at understanding wide- ranging information and organizing it a clear logical format. The students with style are more attracted to logically sound theories than approaches based on practical value. This learning style student is important for effectiveness in information and sciences careers. In formal learning situations, people with this style prefer readings, lectures, exploring analytical models, and having time to think things through.
·         Converging (doing and thinking – AC/AE) – People with a Converging learning style can solve problems and will use their learning to find solutions to practical issues. They prefer technical tasks, and are less concerned with people and interpersonal aspects. They can solve problems and make decisions by finding solution to questions and problems. People with a converging learning style are more attracted to technical task and problems than social or interpersonal issues. A Converging learning style enables specialist and technology abilities. The students with a Converging style like to experiment with new ideas, to simulate, and to work with practical applications.
·         Accommodating (doing and feeling – CE/AE) - The Accommodating learning style is ‘hands-on’, and relies on intuition rather than logic. These students use other people’s analysis, and prefer to take a practical, experiential approach. They are attracted to new challenges and experiences, and to carrying out plans. They commonly act on ‘gut’ instinct rather than logical analysis. The students with an accommodating learning style will tend to rely on other for information than carry out their own analysis. This learning style is prevalent and useful in roles requiring action and initiative. The student with an Incommoding learning style prefers to work in teams to complete task. They set targets and actively work in the field trying different ways to achieving an objective.
(Http: // 1:27)
Based on the explanation before, the experiential learning is from experiential theory. Psychologically, the theory is from humanism theory. In this theory, According to David Kolb in Baharudin Esa (2007:166) there are four stages learning cycle.
1.      Concrete Experience
2.      Reflective observation
3.      Abstract Conceptualization
4.      Active experimentation

Figure 2
Experiential Learning Cycle

The cycle explains that learning process begins from the students’ experience. The experience is reflected by the students. In reflection process, the students will try to understand their experience. The reflection is basic of conceptualization process or the understanding process to the principle which is the foundation of the students experience to apply in other context. The implementation is the situation and context which may be applied the concept that is mastered. The experience and reflection is categorized as the finding process, and the conceptualization and implementation is categorized as the application process.
Table 1
The students’ ability in learning process in experiential learning

The students explore their new experience.
The students observe and reflect or think their experience from many aspects.
The students create the concepts that is integrated to their observation
The students use the theory to solve the problem and take decision

 A.    The Experiential Learning And The Other Learning model
The learning process in experiential learning is the activity that formulate the act, exam, and get feedback, reflect, change and define a activity based on the principle  which have to be understood and followed. The principle is based on the Kurt Lewin theory:
1.      The effective experiential learning will influence the way of the students’ thinking, attitude and value, perception, and behavior.
2.      The students believe the knowledge that they have been found than the knowledge which is given by other people. According to Lewin, based on the experiment that the learning approach is based on the inquiry and discovery can increase the students’ motivation to learn and their commitment to implement their finding in the future time.
3.      The learning will be effective if the learning is the process of active learning. When the students learn a theory, concept or practice and try, so the students will understand completely and integrated with their knowledge. Finally they will memorize in the long time.
4.       The changing should not be separated both cognitive, effective, and attitude. The elements are a system that integrated and simple. To change one of them will not get the effective learning.
5.      Experiential learning is not only give information to change cognitive, affective and attitude but also grow the students’ interest to change something which is wanted.

6.      The changing perception about themselves and their environment is needed before changing the cognitive, affective and attitude. According to Lewin, the behavior, attitude and the way of thinking of someone is depending on their perception. The students’ perception about themselves and their environment will influence the behavior, way of thinking, and feeling. 
7.      The changing of the behavior will mean that cognitive, affective and attitude are not changing. New skill may not be mastered or practiced, however without changing or learning, the skill will lose or forget.
From the principles about learning from the experience, so experiential learning basically is a model which includes the other learning model, like Humanizing the classroom, active learning, the accelerated learning, quantum teaching and contextual teaching and learning.
There is an approach which is based on the students’ experience; the approach is language-experience approach (LEA). Wilma H. Miller explains about the procedure of language-learning approach, such as:
1.      Provide some type of highly motivating experience so that the young learner will have an interesting experience which to dictate. Although all children benefit from this, it usually is especially important for young learner with special needs. Here are some of the initiating experiences that can be used successfully with young learner:
o   A trip to an interesting place such as the zoo, wildlife preserve, pet shop, museum, forest preserve, candy factory, glass-blowing studio, planetarium, pumpkin patch, children’s section of a local public library, toy store, local mall, among countless other.
o   An art or construction activity such as constructing a kite, making a snowman, constructing a simple puppet, making a thanksgiving turkey, carving a pumpkin, cutting out  snowflake, and making a may basket.
o   A cooking or baking activity such as frosting cupcakes, baking cookies of various types, among many others. Each teacher of young learner can add countless other cooking and baking activities that can be used as motivation for language-experience dictation.
o   A visual or aural activity such as looking at picture, watching a video, listening to a book being read aloud, or listening to an audiocassette tape.
2.      Have the child or group of young learner dictate the language-experience chart (on chart paper) or book (on regular or oversized paper), trying to help the child dictate in complete sentence.
3.      The next step in procedure is as follows:
o   The teacher reads the LEA chart or story several times, placing his or her hand under each word as she or he reads it, being sure to stress one – to – one oral language and written word correspondence.

A.    The Definition of Vocabulary
Many definitions about vocabulary have explained in English grammar book. According to Hornby (1987:959) vocabulary is total number of words which (with rules for combining) make up a language. Kernerman (1993:678) argued that vocabulary is a list of words in alphabetical order with meanings. From the definitions, actually the core of vocabulary is word.
Words have a special significance for children or student in learning a new language. The word is a recognizable linguistic unit for children in their first language and so they will notice words in the new language. Often in addition, we teach children (students) words in the new language by showing them objects that they can see and touch. (Lynne Cameron          : 7).
Building up a useful vocabulary is central to the learning of a foreign language at primary level. Vocabulary development is about learning words, but it is about much more than that. Vocabulary development is also about learning more about those words, and about learning formulaic phrase or chunks, finding words inside them, and learning even more about those words. Students will ask what a particular word means, or how to say a word in the foreign language, and, in learning to read, the word is a key unit in building up skills and knowledge. The role of words as language units begins with the early use of nouns for naming objects in first language acquisition, and of use of other words to express the students’ wants and needs.

B.     The Kinds of Vocabulary
Most of words have a variety of restriction on their use and at the same time have certain special uses that represent survivals from an earlier period in the history of the language. Beside that, each vocabulary has form, and a distribution, each vocabulary is either a content word or a function word.
There is term in English vocabulary, which is part of speech.
1.      Noun
Noun is the one of the most important parts of speech. Its arrangement with the verb helps to form the sentence core which is essential to every complete sentence. According to Marcella Frank (1972:6) there are types of noun:
·         Proper Nouns
A proper noun begins with a capital letter in writing. It includes:
- Personal names (e.g. Mr. John, Mrs. Ahmad)
- Names of geographic units such as countries, cities, rivers, etc. (e.g. Holland, Paris)
- Names of Nationalities and religions (e.g. Dutchman, Christianity)
- Names of holidays (e.g. Easter, Thanksgiving Day)
- Names of times units (e.g. Saturday, June)
- Words used for personification – a thing or abstraction treated as a person (e.g. Nature, Liberty)
·         Concrete or Abstract Nouns
-    A concrete noun is a word for a physical object that can be perceived by the sense (e.g. Flower, girl)
-    An abstract noun is a word for concept – it is idea that exists in our minds only (beauty, justice, mankind)
·         Countable or Noncountable Nouns
-    A countable noun can usually be made plural by the addition of –s (e.g. one girl, two girls)
-    A noncountable noun is not used in the plural.
·         Collective Nouns
-          A collective noun is a word for a group people, animals or objects considered as a single unit. Examples of collective nouns are audience, committee, class, crew etc.

Noun            Proper Nouns                 Personal nouns

                                                            Names of geographic

                                                            Names of nationalities and religions

                                                            Names of holiday

                                                            Names of time units

                                                            Words used for personification

                       Concrete or Abstract Noun    

                         Countable or noncontable noun

                        Collective noun
Figure 3
Kinds of Noun

2.      Pronouns
The traditional definition of a pronoun as “a word that takes the place of a noun is applicable to some types for pronouns but not to others. Simply, pronoun has function to substitute of noun.

There are kinds of pronoun, such as:
·         Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns refer to:
-          The first person or the speaker (I, we)
-          The second person or the person spoken spoken to (you)
-          The third person or the person or thing spoken of ( He, She, it, They)
·         Relative pronouns
Relative pronoun is pronoun which refers to the noun before the relative pronoun. Relative pronoun is for adjective clause that has function as the subject, object and possessive. According to Flor Aarts and Jan Aarts (1988:52) explains that the relative pronouns are used to introduce relatives’ clause that is clauses normally functioning as post modifiers in the structure of the noun phrase.
Relative pronouns such as: Who
E.g. The man who is looking for you is John.
·         Demonstrative pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns point out some one or something. The most common demonstrative pronouns are this (Plural these) and that (plural those)
·         Reflexive Pronoun
The reflexive pronoun is a combination of –self with one of the personal pronouns or with the impersonal one.
·         Reciprocal Pronouns
The Reciprocal pronouns indicates that the individual members of a plural subject mutually react one on the other. The reciprocal pronouns are each other and one another.
·         Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite pronoun refers to indefinite persons or quantifies.
·         Interrogative pronouns
The interrogative pronouns are used to introduce direct WH-questions. They are who, whose, whom, what and which.
Indefinite pronoun refers to indefinite persons or quantifies.
Pronouns               Personal Pronoun

                              Relative Pronoun

                              Demonstrative pronoun

                              Reflexive pronoun

Reciprocal pronoun

                              Indefinite pronoun

                              Interrogative pronoun

3.      Verb
According to Loreto Todd (1987:54) defines verb. A verb is often defined as a ‘doing’ word, a word that expresses:
 An action: John climbed a tree.
A process: John turned green.
A state: John resembles his mother.
Based on position in sentence, verbs are divided into:
·         Main verb
Main verb is verb which has principal function in a sentence of English. The other terms for main verb are ordinary verb, principal verb, full verb, lexical verb, meaningful verb, and national verb. There are two kinds of main verb. They are:
Ø  Transitive verb
Transitive verb is verb which has object. There are three kinds of transitive verb. They are:
-          Monotransitive
For example; He is reading a book.
-          Ditransitive
For example; I send the children a card.
-          Complex transitive verb
For example; I consider the government responsible.

Ø  Intransitive verb
Intransitive verb is verb which has not object in a sentence. There are two kinds of intransitive verb. They are:
-          Complete predication
Complete predication is intransitive verb which explains action and can be used although it has not complement.
For example; They sleep.
-          Incomplete predication
Incomplete predication is intransitive verb which has function to connect verb and its complement.
For example; The soup taste delicious.
·         Auxiliary verb
The other terms for auxiliary verb are helping verb, anomalous verb. The auxiliary verbs are divided into:
Ø  Primary auxiliary
Auxiliary verb is verb which gives character to tenses. They are be, do and have.
For example; She is studying English.
Ø  Modal auxiliary
Modal auxiliary is verb which gives the addition of meaning in ordinary verb.
For example; I will have finished my course by next week.

Ø  Emphasize auxiliary
Emphasize auxiliary is verb which is used to emphasize something.
For example; I do love me.

Verb    Main verb                    Transitive verb            Monotransitive


                                                                                    Complex transitive verb

                                                Intransitive verb          Complete predication

                                                                                    Incomplete predication


4.      Adjectives
The adjective is a modifier that has the grammatical property of comparison.
Based on the category, there are two kinds of Adjective:
·         Descriptive adjective
Descriptive adjective is the adjective which describes color, size, and quality from things or people.
Descriptive adjective are divided:
- Quality                = Beautiful, handsome, etc.
- Character                        = Fresh, polite, etc.
- Size                     = tall, long, small, etc.
- Age                     = old, new, young, etc.
- Participle             = - Present participle   = interesting, boring, etc.
                                 - Past participle        = interested, bored, etc.
- Shape                  = circle, square, triangle, etc.
- Color                   = white, black, yellow, etc.
·         Limiting Adjective
Limiting adjective is the adjective which give limitation on the words that is explained like quantity, distance, and possessive.
Limiting adjectives are divided:
- Article                             = a, an, the.
- Demonstrative                = this, that, these, those.
- Possessive                       = my, your, our, his, her, their, its, john’s etc.
- Number                           = - Cardinal Number   = one, two, three, four, etc.
                                             - Ordinal number      = first, second, third, etc.
- Indefinite Quantity         = few, little, many, much, some, etc.
- Interrogative                   = what, which, whose, etc.

5.      Adverbs
Adverb is the word which explains adjective, verb, the other adverb, even can explain the all of the part of sentence.
Ø  Based on the meaning, adverbs are divided:
·         Adverb of manner
The adverb of manner is adverb which explains the way in doing an action. Adverb of manner has special characteristic that is –ly after descriptive adjective (quickly, beautifully, etc)
For example; She dances beautifully.
However, the adjective like hard, fast, early, late, good have characteristic adverb of manner which has not – ly, but their adverb of manner are hard, fast, early, late, well.  The common position for adverb of manner in a sentence is final position. For example; She always study hard.
·         Adverb of place and direction
The adverb of place and direction is adverb which explains position or direction (here, outside, left, straight). The position adverb of place is usually in final position.
For example; The children are playing football outside.
·         Adverb of time
The adverbs of time are divided:
-          Definite time
The adverbs is from noun like yesterday, tomorrow, today, etc. the common position for definite time is final position.
For example; yesterday we submitted the report to the committee.
-          Indefinite time
The words included in indefinite time are recently, soon, already, still, just, immediately, before, later, next, first. However, the words indicate frequency of time like always, often, sometimes, never, rarely are included in indefinite time. Indefinite time in a sentence can be in initial, mid even final position.
For example; We soon found our mistake.
·         Intensifying adverb
Intensifying adverb is adverb which explains the intensity of degree. The kind of intensifying adverbs are:
-          Adverb of degree which answer the question “how much” for adjective. They are very, too, quite, somewhat, rather, extremely, fairly.
For example; She became quite angry with the insolent boy.
-          Adverb of degree which answer the question “how complete”. They are almost, entirely, partially, practically, utterly. Sometime this adverb is as like as the adverb of manner.
For example; They have almost finished the work.
·         Distinguishing adverb
Distinguishing adverb is the adverb which explains emphasize. They are especially, exactly, purely, simply.
For example; I love only you.

Ø  Based on the function, adverbs are divided into:
·         Sentence adverb
The sentence adverb is the adverb which explains a sentence than the verb. They are fortunately, actually, presumably, obviously. The common position of the adverb is initial position.
For example; fortunately, no one was hurt.
·         Explanatory adverb
The explanatory adverb is adverb which is used to explain a description or example. They are namely, as, for example, such as.
·         Conjunctive adverb
Conjunctive adverb is the adverb which explains the correlation between clause and sentence. They are accordingly, consequently, hence, therefore, etc.
For example; student must take final exams; otherwise they will receive a grade of incomplete.
·         Relative and interrogative adverb
Relative adverb is to introduce adjective clause.
For example; We visited the house where a famous poet lived.

6.      Preposition
Based on position, prepositions are divided into:
·         Free preposition
Free preposition is usually before noun, pronoun or gerund or in a phrase or prepositional phrase.
For example; On the table
·         Bound preposition
Bound preposition is after verb (e.g. look at), adjective (e.g. fond of), or noun (e.g. interest in)

7.      Conjunction
There are kinds of conjunction, they are:
·         Coordinative conjunction
Coordinative conjunction is conjunction which connects something that is equal grammatically. The coordinative conjunctions are divided into:
-          The pure coordinative conjunction. They are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
For example; Dogs and cat often do not get along.
-          The correlative conjunction. They are:
Not only……..but also……..
For example; Both Helen and I are watching movie.
·         Subordinate conjunction
Subordinate conjunction is conjunction which is used to connect something that is not equal. They are before, after, until, since, as.
For example; I had never seen him before he arrived in town.

8.      Interjection
There are kinds of interjections, they are:
·         Pure interjection
For example; ah! Hallo!
·         The interjection from other word
For example; Farewell! Dear!
·         The phrase interjection
For example; O Lord! No fear!

C.    The Ways of The Teaching Vocabulary
In experiential learning, it has explained that the students are given opportunity to explore their experience. In teaching vocabulary, the student will get new vocabulary by some way based on experiential model. According to Lewis and Hill (1985 : 101) explains that there are occasions when each is appropriate, but more occasions when there are more interesting, more effective and more memorable ways of explaining new vocabulary and helping to fix it in student’s minds. Some of them are:
1.      Demonstrate
They is something ridiculous about providing a translation or explanation of words such as stagger, cycle, if the teacher does give a verbal explanation, it should at least be accompanied by a physical demonstration. The demonstration both helps to make the meaning clearer, and helps to fix the word in the student’s mind.
2.      Use the real thing
Teaching become so pre-occupied with teaching that some times they explain, or even draw on the black board things which are immediately available in the room. Some times the explanation is no more complicated then pointing.
3.      Draw or sketch
Teacher do not need to be artist to make simple sketches which illustrate meaning, particularly if they bear in mind the advice given above about teaching contrast rather than meaning it self, the meaning of bush was explained by two very simple sketches.
For students, beside their teacher teach the vocabulary, they have to try to master English vocabulary by many ways. According to Rahmat Taufik Hidayat (1996:1-6) explains the alternative way in learning English vocabulary. They are:
ü  We have to have bit time to memorize the vocabulary, although just 5 or 10 vocabularies.
ü  To control the vocabulary, we had better memorize the vocabulary by vocabulary cards. It means that we prepare the sheet of paper and we write 5 or 10 vocabularies.
ü  In memorizing and increasing English vocabulary, we should arrange the list of synonym. For example:
The synonym of verb
Begin-start                        : Mulai
Close-shut             : Menutup
Want-wish             : Menginginkan
ü  The other ways to master English vocabulary, we can memorize the vocabularies and their derivational. For Example:
National                : Bangsa
National                : Warganegara
Nasionalist                        : Seorang nasionalis

E.     The Hypothesis of Research
There is a positive and significant correlation between the students’ interest in learning English by experiential learning model and the lack of students’ ability in mastering English vocabulary.

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